Tuesday, July 5, 2011

How to install VNC on Fedora

Install VNC

Install the VNC server packages using the Fedora package manager

Setup /etc/services

We will need to add the port number that we will be using for the VNC session in /etc/services
If you plan to use different sessions with different screen resolutions then more than one configuration with a different port number assigned can be included here
For example add the following to the /etc/services file
vnc1024 5900/tcp #VNC server 1024x768
vnc1440 5901/tcp #VNC server 1440x900
5900 is the default VNC port number

Setup xinetd to start VNC

VNC sessions can be started using xinetd
If xinetd is not installed you will need to install using the fedora package manager, one way to do this is to type at the command linesystem-install-packages xinetd
Once xinetd is installed you will need to create files in /etc/xinetd.d directory corresponding to your entries in the /etc/services file.
For example as we have vnc1024 specified in /etc/services we will create a file named vnc1024, contents as follows
service vnc1024
        disable = no
        socket-type = stream
        protocol = tcp
        group = tty
        wait = no
        user = nobody
        server = /usr/bin/Xvnc
        server_args = -desktop linuxhostname -inetd -query localhost \
          -geometry 1024x768 -once -securitytypes=none -rfbport 5900 :1
Replace "linuxhostname" for the hostname of your linux box
Create any other files for any other entries in the services file as required
Restart xinetd as follows
service xinetd restart

Configure GDM to allow remote logins

Using the GUI
Login into the graphical console such as Gnome
Then select System|Administration|Login Screen from the menu.
Select the Remote tab and choose "Same as Local" to enable remote logins.
Select the Security tab and uncheck "Deny TCP connections to X server".
Select close
Using the command line
Edit /etc/gdm/custom.conf an ensure the file contains only the following, the other sections should be blank


Restart GDM
GDM will now need to be restarted
Type the following
killall gdm-binary
Or you could reboot if that doesn't work

Give it a go

Try connecting using a VNC viewer from say another PC
Ensure you have opened up the correct ports if you are using a firewall
You should be able to login to the linux graphical desktop

If vnc viewer starts to connect then bombs out, and you are using fedora 7, try disabling the accessible login support
You can do this via the "Login Screen adminstration GUI" or by editing /etc/gdm/custom.conf and adding "AddGtkModules=false" to the [daemon] section. If you modify the file then restart gdm with killall gdm-binary

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